ISSN: 1301 - 3971
Yıl: 18      Sayı: 1968
Şu an 89 müzisyen gazete okuyor
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İtalya Padova'da (Venedik) Müzik Konferansı (5-6 Kasım 2007) 27.09.2007

International Conference

Training Music Teachers
Research in Psychology of Music and Music Education

Padova, Italy
5-6 November 2007

Welcome and Call for Papers

The aim of the Conference is to provide a forum for discussion of the results of research related to the training of Music Teachers.

The conference is hosted by the Department of Education (Piazza Capitaniato, 3 35139 Padova Italy), the Faculty of Education of the University of Padova and the SSIS of Veneto (University of Venice). The official languages of the conference will be English and Italian.

Researchers interested in presenting papers are invited to submit an abstract (see below). All abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed by a panel of international experts.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30 September 2007.

A registration form must be completed and sent to the secretary of the conference. Dr Frederick Seddon at
Registration fee of 35 euros is payable on arrival. This registration fee entitles participants to receive conference material and refreshments.

Topics: Research should focus on issues related to teacher training in primary, middle and high schools, theoretical models and methodologies in music education. We are also particularly interested in research projects investigating teacher confidence when teaching music in the classroom and the use of e-learning environments. Also, topics including performance, composition, improvisation, the use of technology, and the possibilities of using informal leaning processes in primary, middle and secondary schools classrooms will be considered.

Michele Biasutti, Conference Director

Scientific committee: Mario Baroni (University of Bologna), Peter R. Webster (Northwestern University), Richard Parncutt (Univeristy of Graz), Michele Biasutti, Frederick Seddon, Mariselda Tessarolo (University of Padova), Gerardo Manarolo (University of Genova), Sarah Hennessey (University of Exeter), Irene Deliege (University of Liège), Adriana Guarnieri (University of Venice).

The procedure for submitting abstracts is as follows:

1. Submit by e-mail attachment, an abstract reporting recently completed research that contributes to the theory or practice of training music teachers. The theoretical underpinning, methodology and implications of the research for training music teachers should be clearly stated.

2. The abstract must be submitted in English (preferable) or Italian, since the formal sessions of the Conference will be conducted in English and Italian.

3. The abstract must be a maximum of 300 words and include:

Background in topic

4. Abstracts submitted electronically as an email attachment must be in Microsoft Word format or Rich Text Format, Times New Roman font, size 12, and single-spaced. Please send to Dr. Frederick Seddon

5. At the top of the first page of the abstract, the following information should be included:
Name, Affiliation, Complete mailing address, with FAX number and email address.

6 Depending on the number and quality of submissions, the scientific committee may accept some abstracts only if they are presented as posters.

7. Decisions concerning the acceptance of papers rest solely with the scientific committee.

8. Submitted abstracts not meeting the stated criteria, will not be considered by the scientific committee.

9. The dead line for submission is 30 September 2007.

10. Acceptance of the abstracts will be notified on 15th October 2007.

11. First authors of accepted abstracts will be expected to attend the Conference.

For further information contact Dr. Frederick Seddon


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